c00: top level; lexer; expressions
c01: build expression nodes
c02: external definitions; statements
c03: output

Important functions:
symbol returns the next token
extdef parses external definitions
declare parses a declaration
statement parses statements
tree parses expressions to an AST
build builds non-leaf AST nodes

[0] sort
  -2 unmentioned
  -1 parameter unmentioned
   0 none
   1 keyword; type is keyword number
   2 label; type is int[] (020)
   5 auto
   6 extern
   7 static
   8 parameter (tmp)
  10 parameter (tmp)
[1] type, meaning depends on sort, usually:
  0 int
  1 char
  2 float
  3 double
 20 pointer (+20 for every indirection)
[2] value: stack offset, label number
[3] vector size
[4-7] name

0 op
1 type
2 degree (?how deep the stack is?)
3-5 p1-3

character/symbol/operator type
1 ;
2 {
3 }
4 [
5 ]
6 (
7 )
8 :
19 keyword
20 name
21 constant
22 string
30 pre ++
31 pre --
32 post ++
33 post --
34 unary !
35 unary &
36 unary *
37 unary -
38 unary ~ not implemented
40 +
41 -
42 *
43 /
44 %
45 >>
46 <<
47 &
48 |
49 ^
60 ==
61 !=
62 <=
63 <
64 >=
65 >
70 =+
71 =-
72 =*
73 =/
74 =%
75 =>>
76 =<<
77 =&
78 =|
79 =^
80 =
90 ?
100 call
101 mcall
102 goto
103 conditional jump
104 conditional branch
123 letter
124 digit
127 illegal

XX000 precedence
00200 right associative
00100 commutative
00040 word on right
00020 word on left
00010 assignment
00004 relational
00002 lvalue left
00001 binary

prec assoc op
2 left ( [
4 ( [ call on stack
7 left ,
12 right = =op
14 right ? :
16 left | ^
20 left &
22 left == !=
24 left <= < >= >
26 left >> <<
30 left + -
32 left * / %
34 right -- ++ !x &x *x -x ~x
36 left ) ] call

200 convert right/left operand
100 result type is right/left
0X0 cvn if not assignment (type promotion)
00X cvn if assignment (cast)