11/3/71 CHESS (VI) NAME chess -- the game of chess SYNOPSIS /usr/games/chess DESCRIPTION Chess is an attempt at computer chess. The pro- gram 'speaks' in algebraic chess notation. The initial board configuration in this notation is as follows: 8 R N B Q K B N R 7 P P P P P P P P 6 - * - * - * - * 5 * - * - * - * - 4 - * - * - * - * 3 * - * - * - * - 2 p p p p p p p p 1 r n b q k b n r a b c d e f g h A move is specified by the 'from' co-ordinate followed by the 'to' co-ordinate. Thus the white P-K4 move would be 'e2e4'. The black P-K4 would be 'e7e5'. The following commands are recognized by the chess program: move Make the move if legal. The program does not keep track of who is to play. The move is made for what ever side is specified. move x Make the move regardless of legality. This is a good way to either set up a desired situa- tion or to cheat. The initial move 'e2e8x' is a winner. mw The program will compute and make a move for the white pieces. m The program will compute and make a move for the black pieces. lab Set the level parameters to a and b, where a and b are numbers between 0 and 9. The ini- tial settings are 2 and 8. The first parame- ter increases computation time rapidly while the second parameter only increases computa- tion exponentially. Currently move times run from 20 seconds to 10 minutes. It was hoped that these numbers would be usefully related to the program's competence. p The board is printed. u The last move is un-made. This is another good way to cheat. t All the moves to date are printed. s The current game situation is saved on the file c.tmp. r The game situation on the file c.tmp is re- stored. !command The unix command is executed by the mini- shell. An interrupt (DEL) will pull the program out of its computation. If it is trying to make a move, the best move to date is made. FILES c.tmp SEE ALSO msh DIAGNOSTICS ? if an illegal move is attempted, or if an un- known command is typed. BUGS The current version does not recognize castling, promotion and en passant. A new version is in the mill. OWNER ken