11/3/71                                                CHESS (VI)

NAME            chess -- the game of chess

SYNOPSIS        /usr/games/chess

DESCRIPTION     Chess is an attempt at computer chess.  The pro-

                gram 'speaks' in algebraic chess notation.  The

                initial board configuration in this notation is

                as follows:

                   8 R N B Q K B N R

                   7 P P P P P P P P

                   6 - * - * - * - *

                   5 * - * - * - * -

                   4 - * - * - * - *

                   3 * - * - * - * -

                   2 p p p p p p p p

                   1 r n b q k b n r

                     a b c d e f g h

                A move is specified by the 'from' co-ordinate

                followed by the 'to' co-ordinate.  Thus the white

                P-K4 move would be 'e2e4'.  The black P-K4 would

                be 'e7e5'.

                The following commands are recognized by the

                chess program:


                   Make the move if legal.  The program does not

                   keep track of who is to play.  The move is

                   made for what ever side is specified.

                move x

                   Make the move regardless of legality.  This is

                   a good way to either set up a desired situa-

                   tion or to cheat.  The initial move 'e2e8x' is

                   a winner.


                   The program will compute and make a move for

                   the white pieces.


                   The program will compute and make a move for

                   the black pieces.


                   Set the level parameters to a and b, where a

                   and b are numbers between 0 and 9.  The ini-

                   tial settings are 2 and 8.  The first parame-

                   ter increases computation time rapidly while

                   the second parameter only increases computa-

                   tion exponentially.  Currently move times run

                   from 20 seconds to 10 minutes.  It was hoped

                   that these numbers would be usefully related

                   to the program's competence.


                   The board is printed.


                   The last move is un-made.  This is another

                   good way to cheat.


                   All the moves to date are printed.


                   The current game situation is saved on the

                   file c.tmp.


                   The game situation on the file c.tmp is re-



                   The unix command is executed by the mini-


                An interrupt (DEL) will pull the program out of

                its computation.  If it is trying to make a move,

                the best move to date is made.

FILES           c.tmp

SEE ALSO        msh

DIAGNOSTICS     ? if an illegal move is attempted, or if an un-

                known command is typed.

BUGS            The current version does not recognize castling,

                promotion and en passant.  A new version is in

                the mill.

OWNER           ken