UNIX Seventh Edition

You can get the distribution files from TUHS or from me and use mkdisttap.pl to create the distribution tape. To do this, gunzip the files and run ./mkdisttap.pl >dist.tap (pre-built).

You can get the documentation from the (mirrored) labs or from me where I have conveniently split the PDFs into the single documents.

You should at least read the Setting Up UNIX document (29_setup.pdf).

Installing the root file system

To install the root file system create an install.ini:

set cpu 11/45
set cpu idle
set rp0 rp06
att rp0 disk0.hp
att tm0 dist.tap
b tm0

Run simh and install the root file system according to the instructions:

% pdp11 install.ini

PDP-11 simulator V3.9-0
Disabling XQ
Overwrite last track? [N] 
: tm(0,3)
file sys size: 5000
file system: hp(0,0)
isize = 1600            
m/n = 3 500 
Exit called
: tm(0,4)
Tape? tm(0,5)
Disk? hp(0,0)
Last chance before scribbling on disk. 
End of tape                            

Booting UNIX

Still inside the boot prompt, boot UNIX from your new file system:

: hp(0,0)hptmunix
mem = 177344     


For now we're staying in single user mode, but we use stty to get some sane settings:


If you want, change erase (default #) and kill (default @) to whatever you like using stty, this is what I do:

# stty erase <press backspace> kill <press ^U>

Creating device files and extracting the rest of the tape

Now create the remaining device files:

# cd /dev
# make rp06
/etc/mknod rp0 b 6 0
/etc/mknod swap b 6 1
/etc/mknod rp3 b 6 7
/etc/mknod rrp0 c 14 0
/etc/mknod rrp3 c 14 7
chmod go-w rp0 swap rp3 rrp0 rrp3
# make tm
/etc/mknod mt0 b 3 0
/etc/mknod rmt0 c 12 0
/etc/mknod nrmt0 c 12 128
chmod go+w mt0 rmt0 nrmt0

Since we're using an RP06 drive, it might be a good idea to read hp(4). The disk is subdivided into eight partitions that we can use for our purposes. The minor number specifies the partition for which a device file stands. In our case, we're using p0 as /, p1 as swap and after the next step p7 as /usr. This way the partitions don't overlap. The size of p7 (rp3) is 771*418=322278 512-byte blocks, which we will now give to mkfs as an argument.

# /etc/mkfs /dev/rp3 322278
isize = 65496
m/n = 3 500
# dd if=/dev/nrmt0 of=/dev/null bs=20b files=6
202+80 records in
202+75 records out
# restor rf /dev/nrmt0 /dev/rp3
Last chance before scribbling on /dev/rp3. 
End of tape

To be able to boot UNIX from disk we have to copy the boot block, which is on our new partition, so we have to mount it first. After that we halt the system.

# /etc/mount /dev/rp3 /usr
# dd if=/usr/mdec/hpuboot of=/dev/rp0 count=1
0+1 records in
0+1 records out
# sync
# sync
# sync
# ^E
Simulation stopped, PC: 002306 (MOV (SP)+,177776)
sim> q

Recompiling the Kernel and System Configuration

Create a boot.ini:

set cpu 11/45
set cpu idle
set rp0 rp06
att rp0 disk0.hp
set dci en
set dci lines=8
att dci 1107
b rp0

And boot from it, type EOF/^D to get into multiuser mode and login as root (password root).

% pdp11 boot.ini

PDP-11 simulator V3.9-0
Disabling XQ
: hp(0,0)hptmunix
mem = 177344     
WED DEC 31 19:43:39 EST 1969

login: root
You have mail.

First rename hptmunix to unix and remove the unused kernels:

# mv hptmunix unix
# rm hphtunix rp*

The kernel configuration depends on the files conf/l.s and conf/c.c (in /usr/sys) or rather the object files. Since the clock is not set up correctly, make will not recompile them, so delete them before doing anything:

# cd /usr/sys/conf
# rm l.o c.o

Let's configure the kernel to support 4 DC11 lines (the default maximum) and create the necessary tty files:

# cp hptmconf myconf
# echo 4dc >>myconf
# mkconf <myconf
console at 60
clock at 100
clock at 104
parity at 114
tm at 224
hp at 254
dc at 300
dc at 310
dc at 320
dc at 330
# make
as - -o l.o l.s
as -o mch.o mch0.s mch.s
cc  -c c.c
ld -o unix -X -i l.o mch.o c.o ../sys/LIB1 ../dev/LIB2
# mv unix /myunix
# ed /etc/ttys
# /etc/mknod /dev/tty00 c 3 0
# /etc/mknod /dev/tty01 c 3 1
# /etc/mknod /dev/tty02 c 3 2
# /etc/mknod /dev/tty03 c 3 3

Now reboot the myunix kernel and you'll be able to connect to your UNIX system with telnet localhost 1107. If you're sure the kernel is working, you can delete the old one and rename the new kernel unix.

That's all for now, have fun.