VSP (VII)                    2/2/73                     VSP (VII)

NAME            vsp -- voice synthesizer code

SYNOPSIS        cat /usr/pub/vsp

DESCRIPTION     vsp contains a list of phonemes understood by the

                voice synthesizer on device vt.  Phonemes are

                usually written in the form

                            comma inflection phoneme

                The inflection and the phoneme codes are or-ed

                together.  The phoneme codes are as follows (num-

                bers in octal).

      0  = 300  strong inflection     p  = 32   penny pound

      1  = 200                        a0 = 33   contact car

      2  = 100                        a1 = 52   connect

      3  = 000  weak inflection       ai = 37   name came

                                      aj = 71   namely

      aw = 02   awful law             s  = 40   seven six

      ie = 03   zero                  d  = 41   do diet

      e0 = 04   enter met             f  = 42   four five

      e1 = 76   seven                 g  = 43   get grand

      e2 = 77   seven                 h  = 44   hello how

      er = 05   weather               j  = 45   judge edge

      th = 06   three thick           k  = 46   came lock

      dh = 07   this then             l  = 47   hello light

      yu = 27   use you               oo = 50   look book

      iu = 10   unite                 ou = 51   good shoud

      ju = 11   new you               ng = 53   ring angle

      o0 = 31   only no               z  = 55   zero hazy

      o1 = 12   hello                 sh = 56   show ship

      o2 = 13   notice                ch = 57   chair chime

      u0 = 14   but must              v  = 60   seven even

      u1 = 15   uncle                 b  = 61   ball bed

      u2 = 16   stirrup               n  = 62   nine seven

      u3 = 34   app_le ab_le          m  = 63   mile men

      ae = 21   cat sat               iy = 66   lie

      ea = 20   antenna               zh = 70   azure pleasure

      w  = 22   won wish              ih = 72   station condition

      ee = 23   three                 ay = 36   may lay

      r  = 24   radio radar

      t  = 25   two time              -0 = 35   long space

      ey = 26   sixty eighty          -1 = 17

      i0 = 30   six mix               -2 = 01

      i1 = 64   inept inside          -3 = 74   short delay

      i2 = 65   cryptic static

SEE ALSO        speak(I), vt(IV)