STAT (II)                    3/15/72                    STAT (II)

NAME            stat  --  get file status

SYNOPSIS        sys stat; name; buf  / stat = 18.

DESCRIPTION     name points to a null-terminated string naming a

                file; buf is the address of a 34(10) byte buffer

                into which information is placed concerning the

                file.  It is unnecessary to have any permissions

                at all with respect to the file, but all directo-

                ries leading to the file must be readable.

                After stat, buf has the following format:

                buf, +1         i-number

                +2,+3           flags (see below)

                +4              number of links

                +5              user ID of owner

                +6,+7           size in bytes

                +8,+9           first indirect block or contents block


                +22,+23         eighth indirect block or contents block

                +24,+25,+26,+27 creation time

                +28,+29,+30,+31 modification time

                +32,+33         unused

                The flags are as follows:

                   100000  used (always on)

                   040000  directory

                   020000  file has been modified (always on)

                   010000  large file

                   000040  set user ID

                   000020  executable

                   000010  read, owner

                   000004  write, owner

                   000002  read, non-owner

                   000001  write, non-owner

SEE ALSO        stat(I), fstat(II)

DIAGNOSTICS     Error bit (c-bit) is set if the file cannot be


BUGS            --