STTY(II)                     8/5/73                      STTY(II)


     stty - set mode of typewriter


     (stty = 31.)

     (file descriptor in r0)

     sys stty; arg


     arg:  speed; 0; mode

     stty(fildes, arg)

     int arg[3];


     Stty sets mode bits and character speeds for the  typewriter

     whose  file  descriptor  is passed in r0 (resp. is the first

     argument to the call).  First, the system delays  until  the

     typewriter   is  quiescent.   Then  the  speed  and  general

     handling of the input side of the typewriter is set from the

     low  byte of the first word of the arg, and the speed of the

     output side is set from the high byte of the first  word  of

     the  arg.  The speeds are selected from the following table.

     This table corresponds to the speeds supported by the  DH-11

     interface.   The  starred  entries are those speeds actually

     supported by the DC-11 interfaces  actually  present;  if  a

     non-starred  speed  is  selected, it will be ignored and the

     present speed left unchanged.

         0    (turn off device)

         1    50 baud

         2    75 baud

         3    110 baud

         4*   134.5 baud

         5*   150 baud

         6    200 baud

         7*   300 baud

         8    600 baud

         9*   1200 baud

         10   1800 baud

         11   2400 baud

         12   4800 baud

         13   9600 baud

         14   External A

         15   External B

     In the current configuration, only  150  and  300  baud  are

     really  supported,  in  that  the  code  conversion and line

     control required for 2741's (134.5 baud) must be implemented

     by  the  user's program, and the half-duplex line discipline

     required for the 202 dataset (1200 baud) is not supplied.

     The second word of  the  arg  is  currently  unused  and  is

     available for expansion.

     The third word of  the  arg  sets  the  mode.   It  contains

     several  bits  which determine the system's treatment of the


            10000 no delays after tabs (e.g. TN 300)

            200   even parity allowed on input (e. g. for M37s)

            100   odd parity allowed on input

            040   raw mode: wake up on all characters

            020   map CR into LF; echo LF or CR as CR-LF

            010   echo (full duplex)

            004   map upper case to lower on input (e. g. M33)

            002   echo and print tabs as spaces

            001   inhibit all function delays (e. g. CRTs)

     Characters with the wrong parity, as determined by bits  200

     and 100, are ignored.

     In raw mode, every character is passed back  immediately  to

     the  program.  No erase or kill processing is done; the end-

     of-file character (EOT), the  interrupt  character  (DELETE)

     and the quit character (FS) are not treated specially.

     Mode 020 causes input carriage returns  to  be  turned  into

     new-lines;  input of either CR or LF causes LF-CR both to be

     echoed (used for  GE  TermiNet  300's  and  other  terminals

     without the newline function).


     stty(I), gtty(II)


     The error bit (c-bit) is set if the file descriptor does not

     refer  to  a typewriter.  From C, a negative value indicates

     an error.