ECVT(III)                    4/30/73                    ECVT(III)


     ecvt - output conversion


     jsr     pc,ecvt

     jsr     pc,fcvt

     char *ecvt(value, ndigit, decpt, sign)

     double value;

     int ndigit, *decpt, *sign;

     char *fcvt(value, ndigit, decpt, sign)



     Ecvt is called with a floating point number in fr0.

     On exit, the number has been  converted  into  a  string  of

     ascii  digits  in  a buffer pointed to by r0.  The number of

     digits produced is controlled by a global variable _ndigits.

     Moreover, the position of the decimal point is contained  in

     r2:  r2=0  means  the  d.p.  is  at the left hand end of the

     string of digits; r2>0 means the d.p. is within  or  to  the

     right of the string.

     The sign of the number is indicated by r1 (0 for  +;  1  for


     The low order digit has suffered decimal rounding (i. e. may

     have been carried into).

     From C, the value is converted and  a  pointer  to  a  null-

     terminated   string  of  ndigit  digits  is  returned.   The

     position of the decimal point is stored  indirectly  through

     decpt  (negative  means to the left of the returned digits).

     If the sign of the result is negative, the word  pointed  to

     by sign is non-zero, otherwise it is zero.

     Fcvt is identical to ecvt, except that the correct digit has

     had  decimal  rounding  for  F-style output of the number of

     digits specified by _ndigits.

