11/3/71                                            SYS MOUNT (II)

NAME            mount  --  mount file system

SYNOPSIS        sys  mount; special; name  / mount = 21.; not in assembler

DESCRIPTION     mount announces to the system that a removable

                file system has been mounted on special file spe-

                cial; from now on, references to file name will

                refer to the root file on the newly mounted file

                system.  Special and name are pointers to null-

                terminated strings containing the appropriate

                path names.

                Name must exist already.  If it had useful con-

                tents, they are inaccessible while the file sys-

                tem is mounted.

                Almost always, name should be a directory so that

                an entire file system, not just one file, may ex-

                ist on the removable device.

FILES           --

SEE ALSO        umount

DIAGNOSTICS     Error bit (c-bit) set if special is inaccessible

                or dir does not exist.

BUGS            At most one removable devices can be mounted at a

                time.  The use of this call should be restricted

                to the super-used.

OWNER           ken, dmr