CREF(I)                      2/5/73                       CREF(I)


     cref  -  make cross reference listing


     cref [ -acilostux123 ] name ...


     Cref makes a cross reference listing  of  program  files  in

     assembler  or  C format. The files named as arguments in the

     command line are searched for  symbols  in  the  appropriate


     The output report is in four columns:

     (1)     (2)     (3)     (4)

     symbol  file    see     text as it appears in file


     Cref uses either an ignore file or an only file.  If the  -i

     option  is given, the next argument is taken to be an ignore

     file; if the -o option is given, the next argument is  taken

     to  be  an  only  file.   Ignore and only files are lists of

     symbols separated by new lines.  All symbols  in  an  ignore

     file  are  ignored in columns (1) and (3) of the output.  If

     an only file is given, only symbols in that file  appear  in

     column  (1).   At  most  one  of -i and -o may be used.  The

     default setting is -i.  Assembler predefined  symbols  or  C

     keywords are ignored.

     The -s option causes current symbols to be put in column  3.

     In the assembler, the current symbol is the most recent name

     symbol; in C, the current  function  name.   The  -l  option

     causes  the  line number within the file to be put in column


     The -t option causes the next available argument to be  used

     as  the  name of the intermediate temporary file (instead of

     /tmp/crt??).  The file is created and is not removed at  the

     end of the process.


       a   assembler format (default)

       c   C format input

       i   use ignore file (see above)

       l   put line number in col. 3 (instead of current symbol)

       o   use only file (see above)

       s   current symbol in col. 3 (default)

       t   user supplied temporary file

       u   print only symbols that occur exactly once

       x   print only C external symbols

       1   sort output on column 1 (default)

       2   sort output on column 2

       3   sort output on column 3


     /tmp/crt??      temporaries

     /usr/lib/aign   default assembler ignore file

     /usr/lib/cign   default C ignore file

     /usr/bin/crpost post processor

     /usr/bin/upost  post processor for -u option

     /bin/sort       used to sort temporaries


     as (I), cc (I)