LN(I)                        3/15/72                        LN(I)


     ln  -  make a link


     ln name1 [ name2 ]


     A link is a directory entry referring to a  file;  the  same

     file   (together   with   its   size,   all  its  protection

     information, etc) may have several links to it.  There is no

     way  to  distinguish  a  link  to  a  file from its original

     directory entry; any  changes  in  the  file  are  effective

     independently of the name by which the file is known.

     Ln creates a link to an existing file name1.   If  name2  is

     given, the link has that name; otherwise it is placed in the

     current directory and its name  is  the  last  component  of


     It is forbidden to link to a directory  or  to  link  across

     file systems.


     rm (I)


     There is nothing particularly wrong with ln, but tp  doesn't

     understand  about  links and makes one copy for each name by

     which a file is known; thus if the tape is extracted several

     copies  are  restored  and  the  information that links were

     involved is lost.