SPELL(I) 2/26/74 SPELL(I) NAME spell - find spelling errors SYNOPSIS spell file ... DESCRIPTION Spell attacks the same problem as typo (I), but from the opposite direction. It extracts words from the input files and looks them up in Webster's Seventh Collegiate Dictionary; any words which appear neither in the dictionary nor in a list of about 2000 words frequently occuring in Bell Laboratories documents are listed on the output file sp.out. Words which are reasonable transformations of dictionary entries (e.g. a dictionary entry plus s ) are so marked; words which could not be found even when transformed are marked with asterisks. The process takes on the order of 5 to 10 minutes. There is a limit of nine input files. FILES /usr/lib/w2006, /usr/dict/words, sp.out; spjnkq[123] are temporaries. SEE ALSO typo (I) BUGS There should be no limit on the number of input files. More suffixes, and perhaps some prefixes, should be added. It should be usable as a filter.