11/3/71                                                    TM (I)

NAME            tm  --  provide time information

SYNOPSIS        tm [ command arg  .... ]

DESCRIPTION     tm is used to provide timing information.  When

                used without an argument, output like the follow-

                ing is given:

                        tim  77:43:20       29.2

                        ovh  13:59:42        1.2

                        dsk  12:06:30        4.1

                        idl 352:31:37       23.7

                        usr   3:32:15        0.1

                        der    5, 171     0,   0

                The first column of numbers gives totals in the

                named categories since the last time the system

                was cold-booted;  the second column gives the

                changes since the last time tm was invoked.  The

                tim row is total real time

                (hours:minutes:seconds); unlike the other times,

                its origin is the creation date of tm's temporary

                file.  ovh is time spent executing in the system;

                dsk is time spent waiting for both kinds of disk

                I/O; idl is idle time; usr is user execution

                time; der is RF disk error count (left number)

                and RK disk error count (right number).

                tm can be invoked with arguments which are as-

                sumed to constitute a command to be timed.  In

                this case the output is as follows:

                      tim        2.2

                      ovh        0.3

                      swp        0.5

                      dsk        1.8

                      idl        0.0

                      usr        0.0

                The given times represent the number of seconds

                spent in each category during execution of the


FILES           /tmp/ttmp, /dev/rf0 (for absolute times) contains

                the information used to calculate the differen-

                tial times.

SEE ALSO        format of file system (which tells where the

                times come from)

DIAGNOSTICS     "?" if the command cannot be executed; "can't

                creat temp file" if trouble with ttmp; "cant read

                super-block" if times cannot be read from system.

BUGS            (1) when invoked with a command argument, every-

                thing going on at the moment is counted, not just

                the command itself.  (2) Two users doing tm si-

                multaneously interfere with each other's use of

                the temporary file.

OWNER           ken, dmr