STTY (I)                     6/12/72                     STTY (I)

NAME            stty -- set teletype options

SYNOPSIS        stty option  ...

DESCRIPTION     Stty will set certain I/O options on the current

                output teletype.  The option strings are selected

                from the following set:

                   even    allow even parity.

                   -even   disallow even parity.

                   odd     allow odd parity

                   -odd    disallow odd parity

                   raw     raw mode input

                           (no erase/kill/interrupt/quit/EOT)

                   -raw    negate raw mode

                   -nl     allow cr for lf (and echo lf cr)

                   nl      allow nl only

                   echo    echo back every character typed.

                   -echo   do not echo characters.

                   lcase   map upper case to lower case

                   -lcase  do not map case

                   -tabs   replace tabs by spaces

                   tabs    preserve tabs

                   delay   calculate cr and tab delays.

                   -delay  no cr/tab delays

                   ebcdic  ebcdic ball conversion (2741 only)

                   corres  correspondence ball conversion (2741 only)

FILES           standard output.

SEE ALSO        stty(II)

DIAGNOSTICS     "Bad options"

BUGS            --