3/15/72                                                    CC (I)

NAME            cc -- C compiler

SYNOPSIS        cc [ -c ] sfile .c ... ofile  ...
                               1            1

DESCRIPTION     cc is the UNIX C compiler.  It accepts three

                types of arguments:

                Arguments whose names end with ".c" are assumed

                to be C source programs; they are compiled, and

                the object program is left on the file sfile .o
                (i.e.  the file whose name is that of the source

                with ".o" substituted for ".c").

                Other arguments (except for "-c") are assumed to

                be either loader flag arguments, or C-compatible

                object programs, typically produced by an earlier

                cc run, or perhaps libraries of C-compatible rou-

                tines.  These programs, together with the results

                of any compilations specified, are loaded (in the

                order given) to produce an executable program

                with name a.out.

                The "-c" argument suppresses the loading phase,

                as does any syntax error in any of the routines

                being compiled.

FILES           file.c                  input file

                a.out                   loaded output

                c.tmp                   temporary (deleted)

                /sys/c/nc               compiler

                /usr/lib/crt0.o         runtime startoff

                /usr/lib/libc.a         builtin functions, etc.

                /usr/lib/liba.a         system library

SEE ALSO        C reference manual (in preparation), bc(VI)

DIAGNOSTICS     Diagnostics are intended to be self-explanatory.

BUGS            --

OWNER           dmr